The ACN Match Review 24/25 – Middlesbrough (h)


Comeback at home against Middlesbrough is it? Paul Buller had box office seats for a game that was everything we love about the Championship

How did we play?

Imagine watching all the versions of Norwich City that you’ve seen over the years, under all the managers who’ve come and gone. The ups and downs, the good bits, bad bits and indifferent bits. The amazing comebacks and the piss-poor defending; the super-skilled attackers and the do-or-die centre backs. The stupid tackles and sublime screamers. The hope, the dying hope, then the inkling that Norwich might just get something from a lost cause. This match was all of that. Which is why I’ve no accurate way of articulating how Norwich played because it was just a completely bananas 90 minutes of football.

What was the best bit of the game?

So many to choose from but Borja Sainz’s second goal was the perfect way to spark a comeback: its timing, just minutes after George Long’s penalty save and its sheer beauty as it curled around the entire ‘Boro defence and beyond the ‘keeper. We were doubting we had it in us to do it but Borja doesn’t give a shit about doubts. What a goal.

What was the worst bit of the game?

In reference to my first paragraph, there is one thing that connects all the versions of Norwich City from over the years and that’s the habit of switching off defensively when we’re on top of a game. Middlesbrough are a strong team but were struggling to cope with us at 1-0 down and yet – again – we chose to ignore unmarked opposition attackers as a relatively unthreatening cross was hooked over the top of us and smashed in as we watched aghast. I’ve looked at the replays and there’s even a point where our central defenders point out the unmarked man, well before the ball is anywhere near him. George Long took some stick for it going in his near post but the chance should never have been there in the first place. There’s no individual to blame for this (for what it’s worth, our centre backs and ‘keeper prevented Middlesbrough scoring a lot more) but if we can’t defend properly as a whole team then we’re forever going to be in this cycle of being a good team but never quite good enough.

What was the atmosphere like?

Just bloody good fun. A loud and upbeat first twenty minutes followed by some awkward silences as ‘Boro put three past us with ease, then some lusty rousing in the second half that died down as it all looked a bit aimless. I’m not going to lie, there were a lot of us thinking about leaving early to catch an uncrowded bus home as hope receded. But Thorup’s introduction of Forson and Schwartau, along with Sainz’s goal and Long’s penalty save rapidly changed those plans and the atmosphere, and it was all worth it.

Hero of the match

George Long, quite simply. A penalty save to turn the game (those suggesting it was an ‘easy’ save he couldn’t miss should try being a ‘keeper under that kind of pressure), and a ton of flying stops to keep us in the game. Today it doesn’t matter who he isn’t or what type of goalie we think he is, he stopped ‘Boro scoring many more goals and gave us the platform for the comeback. Well played.

Summary in Five Words
Didn’t see that one coming.


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